Holiday Knits

KnitcircusDec 12, '16

I’ve been frantically getting my holiday knitting organized – never mind it’s halfway through December – and I was recently inspired by folks’ gorgeous socks – and a hat! – knit out of our Feliz Navidad Stripes colorway. Get ready for some sock magic. These knitters got these done pretty darn fast, considering how new a colorway it is for us. Or maybe I’m just the slow sock knitter in the room. I’ll ‘fess up.

Psst…we also put these Feliz Navidad sock sets on sale, so snap them up. They’re vanishing quickly and appearing under Christmas trees all over the country.

Here’s a set knit by Donna on Ravelry, using her own pattern and excellent photostyling:


yarn: Feliz Navidad medium sock set in Greatest of Ease

And here’s Lori’s Vanilla sock set:

yarn: Feliz Navidad medium sock set in Trampoline

It’s always fun to see the stripes pattern reversed, so here’s Florence’s set with green at the cuff:

yarn: Feliz Navidad medium sock set in Trampoline

pattern: How I Make My Socks by Susan B. Anderson

And finally, a hat! I love when knitters use our matching sock sets to make hats, and here’s Sarah’s. This little genius held two strands together from the two balls of yarn in her sock set, and to great effect! She said she had only five yards left from each ball after making her pompon:


yarn: Feliz Navidad medium sock set in Fairy Dust (sparkly!)

We love when you share your projects on Ravelry, and when you do, you’re piqueing some knitter’s interest, and inspiring his or her project-planning brain. Also, it’s kinda like show and tell for grownups and you don’t even have to stand up in front of the class.


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