In hosting our Pick a Shawl KAL on Ravelry, in which participants choose a Knitcircus gradient and any shawl pattern, I’ve been absolutely blown away by Ravelers’ efforts.
This KAL is ongoing, if you haven’t cast on already. I’ll shepherd the KAL through September, and there are still more prize drawings to come – check out my intro to the thread, read the rules, and join us!
And now for some eye candy:
Pattern: Multnomah by Kate Ray
Yarn colorway: Renegade Unicorn in our sparkly base Fairy Dust
Cake size: 100g (435 yds)
Renegade Unicorn is one of our newer colorways and joined our lineup just this summer. It’s one of our Impressionist colorways, which I like to call our variegated gradients. I think it’s a pretty subtle gradient, this one, and it doesn’t take a complicated stitch pattern to show it off. The humble feather and fan in Multnomah is just the ticket.
Beads, anyone? Leave it to designer Laura Nelkin to show beads at their best in this shawl:
Pattern: Magmatic Boom by Laura Nelkin
Yarn colorway: Meet Me At The Fair in our base Greatest of Ease
Cake size: (2) cakes of 75g (600 yds total)
This knitter so cleverly used (2) of our 75g gradient cakes, which have approximately 300 yds per cake, and knitted in this order: she cast on starting from the yellow center of the first cake and then continued with the second cake but started from the outside with the blue.
I love how the colors shift from yellow to pink to blue and then back to pink and yellow again. It gives a lovely cohesion to the gradient color changes.
I’ve also been smitten with Emonie’s crochet project she posted in the thread. I can’t wait to see our yarns crocheted up more.
Pattern: Elise Shawl by Evan Plevinski
Yarn colorway: Brass and Steam in a discontinued dk base Calliope
(our current dk base is Magnificent DK)
Cake size: she used 345 yds, so a 150g (375 yds) cake of Magnificent DK would work well
I love how stunning the grey looks here as it gradates from light to dark.
Emonie posted her progress photo when she got to the gold, and it just took my breath away. Behold this fabulous hooking:
If you’ve got a Knitcircus yarn languishing in your stash, grab it and cast on, and you’ll be in good company in our KAL. Such a sweet group of knitters & crocheters.
And you’ll get a shawl out of the deal, too, just in time for fall.