Space is Big….Really Big

KnitcircusJul 22, '16

Inspired by the Hitchhiker’s Guide Trilogy by Douglas Adams, this color celebrates the vastness of space.




“You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space.” We love the other-worldliness of this impressionist with it’s changing space-scape and all the planets, galaxies, stars, and supernovas bursting throughout.


This color is available in Small, Medium and  Large Sock Sets


The shawl shown uses one 100g gradient in Greatest of Ease, or chose any size you like: 50g, 75g, 100g, 150g, 200g and 300g.



Terribly Simple Variation

I love the genius simplicity of this pattern by Caitlin ffrench, fantastically easy to work just as advertised! But because this was a prototype of a new color, I wanted to see how the color behaved with different stitch types. This is a loose recipe for the changes I made to the Terribly Simple pattern to create a fun sampler-type shawl.


If you’re an adventurous/confident knitter, please feel free to play along! Please note; I wasn’t counting stitches or attempting to make everything come out even like I would with a “real” pattern. So approach this with a playful spirit!


Rows 1-26: Garter Stitch

Next 20 Rows: 2 Rows Stockinette Stitch, one garter ridge (Knit on WS, knit next row)

Next 12 Rows: Garter Stitch

Next 4 Rows: Stockinette Stitch

Eyelet Row: *YO, k2tog, k1, rep from * to end of row.

Next 4 Rows: Stockinette Stitch

Eyelet Row: *YO, k2tog, k1, rep from * to end of row.

Next 4 Rows: Stockinette Stitch.

Next 4 Rows: Seed stitch.

Next 2 Rows: Stockinette Stitch.

Eyelet Row: *YO, k2tog, rep from * to end of row.

Next 5 Rows: Stockinette Stitch.

Eyelet Row: *YO, k2tog, k2, rep from * to end of row.

Next 2 Rows: Stockinette Stitch.

Next 6 Rows: Garter Stitch.

Next 4 Rows: Seed Stitch.

Repeat these next 2 rows 3 times:

Eyelet Row: *YO, k2tog, k2, rep from * to end of row.

Next row: Purl all sts.

Next 6 Rows: Garter Stitch.

BO with Jeny’s Surprisngly Stretchy Bind-Off.

Have a great weekend,




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